Only in a city run by Democrats like Seattle would firemen doing their jobs be assaulted by dangerous homeless loons.

And only in a Democrat-run city would the government do nothing about it.

Seattle is one of the bluest cities on the planet, and like something out of a zombie movie, these firemen are being assaulted while they try to — you know — put out fires:

Firefighters in Seattle have demanded the city take action after they were subjected to more than 40 violent attacks in the past four months – a string of assaults that have been largely carried out by the city’s homeless population.

The attacks, which the city’s firefighter’s union says began in May, have seen the protectors repeatedly targeted by the intemperate down-and-outs, often while responding to fires started at the city’s growing number of homeless encampments.

One such incident, which transpired last month, saw one fire official pelted with a rock while attempting to put out a blaze that originated from an encampment fire.

On top of that, a female firefighter got kicked in the privates. Rocks have been thrown. Like zombies, they climb on the fire trucks. They try to stab these guys… And this has been going on for FOUR months. And what happened? Oh, sure, the alleged perpetrators were arrested, but of course, they were immediately released. Why? Because Seattle is a Democrat-run city!

In May, there were 763 homeless camps in Seattle. Not homeless people, homeless camps. In June, that number climbed to 814.

A Seattle Police officer walks past tents used by people experiencing homelessness, Friday, March 11, 2022, during the clearing and removal of an encampment in Westlake Park in downtown Seattle (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren, File).

Imagine living in a city with 814 homeless camps. And every day, there are at least five fires in these camps.

Here’s what’s so amazing…

If you live in Seattle and drive with an expired plate or run a yellow light or violate some stupid building code, the city will ticket and fine you… But homeless people can violate every building code law on the books, use the streets as a toilet, assault city workers, and nothing is done. This isn’t just lawlessness; it’s a two-tiered legal system where the middle class is demoted into second-class citizens held accountable to the law, while everyone else can do whatever they want.

Keep in mind that this is by design.

Democrats are deliberately looking to turn their cities into unlivable cesspools as a means to launch The Revolucion! The whole point is to make life so awful that all the good people (conservatives, Christians, families, the middle class) flee or surrender, and all that remains are Democrats who keep Democrats in perpetual power. Welcome to socialism, where the rich live like kings, and everyone else lives in their own toilet.

Anyone who wants a real Utopia need only move out to MAGA Country.

You get what you vote for…