Democrat Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV) is under fire for failing to pay more than $14,000 in property taxes on his million-dollar home just outside of Washington D.C., according to a Nevada Globe report.

Earlier in the year, Horsford appeared in a video for Nevada progressive advocacy group Battle Born, where he criticized the current federal tax code.

“The current federal tax code is rigged for the wealthy against the worker,” Horsford said. He also called on the wealthy to “pay their fair share,” saying, “it’s only fair that the wealthy pay their fair share.”

However, Horsford did not pay his fair share of property taxes on his home in Arlington, Virginia, according to tax records reviewed by the Nevada Globe.

Despite earning a $174,000 congressional salary, Horsford failed to pay more than $14,000 in property taxes owed on his home for two years. The state of Virginia reportedly fined Horsford more than $2,500 for failing to pay his property taxes.

Horsford’s Virginia home is a five-bedroom, four-bathroom, 3,212 square foot home worth $1.8 million. Horsford was assessed several penalties, fees, and interest for the unpaid property tax between 2015 and 2016.

As the Nevada Globe reported:

Between 2015 and 2016, Horsford paid more than $2,500 in penalties, interest, and fees after he failed to pay $13,871.36 in property taxes.

In 2015, Horsford was assessed a $707.30 penalty, $463.35 in interest, and a $25 fee on his second installment of property taxes:

In 2016, Horsford was assessed a $679.42 penalty, $279.77 in interest, and a $25 fee.

In addition to his $1.8 million home in Virginia, Horsford also owns a home that he and his wife purchased for $250,000 in 2015. However, 2022 assessor records show the house was transferred from dual ownership to sole ownership to Horsford shortly after his wife revealed the congressman was engaged in a 10-year extramarital affair.

Jordan Dixon-Hamilton is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter