PAC to the Future, a PAC affiliated with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), doled out $10,000 to the vulnerable New Hampshire Democrat Rep. Ann Kuster, who has voted with her party’s leadership 100 percent of the time, Federal Election Commission filing shows.
Kuster, who’s running in New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District — a newly added member to the list of vulnerable Democrats by her party’s main campaign arm — has a 100 percent voting record with Pelosi while her party has been in the majority.
Interestingly enough, while she has voted with her party’s leadership in the House and the Democrats are looking for any way to keep their slimming majority past the midterm election, the Pelosi-affiliated PAC doled out $10,000 to Kuster — $5,000 for the primary election and $5,000 for the general election.
Additionally, while the congresswoman has also voted with President Joe Biden 100 percent of the time in Congress, the country saw a considerable increase in gasoline prices in June – hitting new all-time highs several times last month – and even averaged above $5 a gallon for the first time, which has zapped the saving of businesses and American families.
While the Democrats have held a majority in the House and Biden has served in the White House, the two have taken an anti-American energy approach, with Kuster standing by. Biden has canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, suspended oil and gas leasing on public lands and waters, halted federal support for oil and gas projects overseas, and suspended oil drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Biden also waived the sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
Furthermore, House Democrats have blocked a motion by Republicans numerous times to bring a bill, the American Energy Independence from Russia Act, up for consideration that would have supported American energy to help lower gas prices for all Americans.
One of Kuster’s Republican challengers, George Hansel, slammed the congresswoman for accepting the money, saying, “Money talks, and Ann Kuster just can’t stop selling us out in Washington, constantly voting for Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden’s reckless agenda.”
“The record proves it: after ten years in Washington, Ann Kuster is now voting 100% of the time with Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, and she gets rewarded with $10,000 PAC checks from Nancy Pelosi,” Hansel added. “Folks here need a New Hampshire voice standing up for them in Washington, not a rubber stamp for the Biden-Pelosi agenda.”
Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter @JacobMBliss.