Poll: Only 1 in 5 Americans Wants Joe Biden to Run for President in 2024

joe biden polling numbers
Samuel Corum/AFP/Getty Images

President Joe Biden’s job approval rating among adult U.S. citizens sits at 38 percent, and just 20 percent want him to launch a bid for reelection in 2024, a YouGov/Economist poll has found.

Of the 1,5oo adults surveyed, a mere 15 percent “strongly approve” of Biden’s presidency, while 23 percent “somewhat approve.” A majority of 52 percent of respondents disapprove of Biden’s presidential performance with a plurality of 40 percent saying they “strongly disapprove.” Among the 1,345 registered voters sampled, Biden’s approval rating sits at 41 percent while the majority (53 percent) disapprove to varying degrees.

The poll found that Biden is underwater with adult independents as 58 percent are unsatisfied with his performance with an even 40 percent strongly disapproving. Just 28 percent of independents said they are happy with his job as president, and another 15 percent remained unsure.

When asked about the direction of the country, 75 percent said things were “off on the wrong track” while an abysmal 15 percent said the United States is “[g]enerally headed down the right direction.” Moreover, 62 percent of those who said they voted for Biden in 2020 believe the country is on the wrong track, as do 95 percent of those who reported that they voted for former President Donald Trump last election.

Biden’s approval rating on the handling of the economy and jobs, as well as climate change and the environment, both registered at under 40 percent among U.S. adults. In total, 38 percent of poll participants were satisfied with how he has managed economic issues while a majority of 51 percent said they were unpleased and 11 percent did not have an opinion. Fifty-six percent of independents are unhappy with how he has dealt with the economy.

Just 36 percent of adults approve of Biden’s management of the environment and climate change while a plurality of respondents (46 percent) disapprove. He is behind the eight ball with independents on this issue as well as only 27 percent are satisfied and 48 percent are unhappy.

Just 15 percent of independents surveyed have a desire for the 79-year-old president to run for office again in 2024, while overall, 20 percent of adults want Biden as a candidate next presidential election. Another 57 percent said they do not want him to run, and 23 percent were unsure. Democrats remained split on a Biden run in two years. Just 32 percent said they would like him to launch a reelection bid while 34 percent expressed that they do not want him to run, and 33 percent were unsure.

The poll sampled 1,500 U.S. Adults, including 1,345 registered voters between July 2-5 through web-based interviews. The margin of error for the U.S adults sample is 2.9 percent while the margin of error for registered voters is three percent.


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