Report: White House Replaces Norman Rockwell Paintings with Photos of Joe Biden

Norman Rockwell stands beside some of his famous paintings in 1969. (Getty)

Four Norman Rockwell watercolor paintings have been removed from the White House and replaced with photographs of President Joe Biden, according to a report.

The paintings were part of a series painted by Rockwell showing various Americans waiting to see the president of the United States, and are “panels of watercolor and black-and-white sketches.”

The series is titled “So You Want to See the President” and was displayed in the “upper press area” of the West Wing near the press secretary’s office. (Copies of the images can be viewed at most online poster stores.)

Politico reported Tuesday that the paintings were replaced with “several jumbo photos” of President Joe Biden, citing people “familiar with the matter.”

But it is unclear where the paintings are, why they were replaced, and who is responsible.

Politico again cited “people familiar with the matter” who said that the family who owned the pieces of art wanted them back.

They were first hung in the White House after Rockwell gave the paintings to Steve Early, who was former President Franklin Roosevelt’s press secretary.

But Politico’s attempts to contact the Early family did not reveal any information.

No White House officials were quoted on the record or on background about the missing art, which suggests they are not willing to discuss why paintings from one of America’s most beloved artists have been replaced with photos of one of America’s most unpopular presidents.


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