Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) voted for gun control measures after she ran ads on Facebook touting positions on protecting the Second Amendment.

Weeks before Murkowski voted to expand background checks, she ran fundraising ads to protect the Second Amendment by slamming President Joe Biden and Democrats.

“LISA NEEDS YOUR HELP,” one ad stated. “Democrats what to take away your right to bear arms. Can you join her and stand up to the radical left to protect our Second Amendment rights?”

Join Lisa to Protect 2nd Amendment Lisa Murkowski for U.S. Senate

A second ad with Biden’s photo read, “THIS CAN’T WAIT. The far left wants to abolish the Second Amendment. They want to take away your rights and we have to stop them.”

A few weeks after publishing the ads, Murkowski cast her vote with enough establishment Republicans to pass gun control legislation. Murkowski’s vote was key in surpassing the 60-vote filibuster threshold that would have blocked Democrats from enacting the law.

Biden Wants to Take Your Guns Lisa Murkowski for U.S. Senate

Murkowski’s flipflop on protecting the Second Amendment comes after she admitted to the New York Times that she “may not be re-elected.”

“It may be that Alaskans say, ‘Nope, we want to go with an absolute, down-the-line, always, always, 100-percent, never-question, rubber-stamp Republican,’ she said about her Trump-endorsed opponent Kelly Tshibaka, who is leading in the polls.

Murkowski is one of many establishment Republican members of Congress who boast of the support of the Washington, DC, establishment. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) endorsed Murkowski as a Republican who opposes America First policies. It is unknown how helpful McConnell’s endorsement is, but McConnell is the least popular Republican Senator.

“It’s important for Lisa to be reelected. She’s one of the few sort of moderates in the middle of the Senate,” McConnell said of his colleague in April. “We’re going to do everything we can to make sure she’s successful.”

The Alaska Republican primary is on August 16.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter and Gettr @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.