Only 69 percent of Democrat voters approve of President Joe Biden, according to Monday polling by Civiqs.

Biden’s drop in approval represents a new low for the president, which had been steadily dropping since March.

Civiqs | Joe Biden: Job Approval archived June 21, 2022, 15:46:25 UTC

For perspective, Biden’s approval among Democrats in the spring of 2021 was hovering above 90 percent. Since then, Biden’s approval among members of his party began to drop amid the delta strain of coronavirus, the deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan, 40-year-high inflation, soaring gas prices, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, despite Biden’s sanctions.

In contrast, Trump held an approval rating among Republicans that hovered around 90 percent for years until January 12, dropping to 85 percent just before leaving office. Biden’s approval rating is a full 16 points worse than Trump’s last approval rating score.

Civiqs | Donald Trump: Job Approval archived June 21, 2022, 17:31:53 UTC

Trump’s worst disapproval rating among the GOP was 11 percent. Biden’s current disapproval among Democrats is 13 percent, the worst of his presidency.

Trump has constantly polled better than Biden in potential 2024 matchup surveys. Multiple polls have consistently shown Trump trouncing Biden in a hypothetical head-to-head rematch.

Biden’s approval index has spent about 30 percent of his term below -25, far worse than former President Trump’s, according to Rasmussen Reports.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter and Gettr @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.