President Biden is underwater on almost every key issue as the midterm elections approach, a Redfield & Wilton Strategies survey released this week found.

Biden’s overall approval rating is underwater, as 35 percent approve and 43 percent disapprove. That gives him a net negative approval of -8 percent. Even so, that is still far better than his current RealClearPolitics spread, which sits at -15.1 as of Monday:

Notably, Biden fails to perform much better on individual issues. There is only one category that Biden sees a positive net approval — the coronavirus pandemic, as 39 percent approve and 37 percent disapprove. He does not garner a positive net approval on any other issue.

On the economy, for instance, 26 percent approve and 50 percent disapprove, giving him a net negative rating of -24 percent.

37 percent disapprove
30 percent approve
-7 percent net

42 percent disapprove
27 percent approve
-15 net

43 percent disapprove
30 percent approve
-13 net

Relations with Russia:
39 percent disapprove
31 percent approve
-8 net

Health Care:
38 percent disapprove
33 percent approve
-5 net

Relations with China:
39 percent disapprove
27 percent approve
-12 net

National Security and Defense:
38 percent disapprove
32 percent approve
-6 net

37 percent disapprove
28 percent approve
-9 net

38 percent disapprove
28 percent approve
-10 net

The survey was taken June 15, 2022, among 1,500 eligible U.S. voters and comes months ahead of the midterm elections, as Americans continue to face supply chain issues, rising gas prices, and rampant inflation, with Biden and Democrats at the helm.