Lincoln Project Embarks on Next Mission: Target Sen. Ron Johnson

Rick Wilson, a top adviser to the Lincoln Project, which is a left-wing super PAC, said recently an upcoming campaign would target Republicans such as Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and their corporate donors.

According to Wilson, the group was planning to shell out a few million dollars for the campaign, the Washington Post reported May 23.

“We’re going to scale this up in coming days,” he revealed to the outlet.

“From a corporate risk perspective,” Wilson continued, the organization hoped to make it more difficult for companies to fund Republicans who allegedly “traffic in the message that ‘brown people are coming here to demographically replace us and destroy our country,'” the article read.

“It’s going to be really hard for any corporation in this country to defend,” Wilson asserted.

In October, the Lincoln Project claimed responsibility for the “tiki torch hoax” when several people held the torches and stood beside then-candidate Glenn Youngkin’s campaign bus, Breitbart News reported at the time.

It was an “obvious nod to Charlottesville and white supremacy,” according to the outlet.

Breitbart News also reported in February 2021 the project spent the entirety of its political advertising budget helping Democrats even though its leaders presented themselves to the public as conservative Republicans.

The article continued:

All of the Lincoln Project’s spending on political advertisements sought to assist Democrats and fall within two categories: “for Democrats” or “against Republicans.” It spent over $41 million in advertising against Republicans and over $5 million supporting Democrats.

The Lincoln Project spent $33.8 million in advertising directly against former President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election cycle. An additional $2.3 million was spent in express support of President Joe Biden.

Last year, the project’s cofounder John Weaver was accused of sending explicit messages to multiple young men. One claimed he began receiving messages as a young teenager.

In February, Johnson criticized Biden for weakening the nation thanks to his decisions made in office.

“Just about every action he has taken as president has weakened America. He opens the border. We have an unbelievable, out-of-control flow of illegal immigrants, out-of-control deficit spending, inflation set a 40-year high, the embarrassing and dangerous surrender in Afghanistan. This is weakness. This is real weakness,” he said.