“Enough with the racism, serve your customers” is the theme Consumers’ Research is using to call out woke financial services company American Express during its annual shareholder meeting Tuesday, running an ad highlighting discrimination against white employees.
Pointing out that the company has been investigated by the federal government, “caught processing a Soviet-era politician’s dirty money,” and “paid hundreds of billions in fines for deceiving customers,” the ad charges that “rather than clean up their act, American Express has gone woke.”
“Employees say people are promoted and told to offer lower premiums based on race,” the narrator of the ad says, and then quotes a Fox Business article that states, “American Express engages in ‘reverse discrimination’ against white people.”
It also points out the company has pushed critical race theory training on its employees and told them that “capitalism is racist.”
The ad, called “UnAmerican Express,” is set to air in New York.
As the group has pointed out, American Express CEO Stephen Squeri has been pushing for diversity, inclusion, and equity initiatives, saying its “‘Anti-Racism Initiative’ designed to have ‘privileged’ employees defer to ‘marginalized groups.’ In training sessions, white employees were told to ‘identify the privileges or advantages you have.'”
“American Express is the direct product of capitalism, yet under CEO Steve Squeri, American Express has abandoned a fiduciary duty to shareholders like myself, labeling capitalism as racist while simultaneously pressuring employees to take actions based on race,” Consumers’ Research Executive Director Will Hild told Breitbart News. “According to American Express’ backward logic, employees should be treated differently based on race in order to solve racism. This hypocrisy cannot stand; Consumers Research is calling for American Express to say enough to the racism and start serving its customers. ”
Consumers’ Research has also deployed a mobile billboard to the company’s New York City headquarters to circle the building during the shareholder meeting.

Consumers’ Research mobile billboard for American Express. (Provided to Breitbart News / Consumers’ Research).
American Express has also trained their employees in “microaggressions” and told them to support Black Lives Matter.
Breccan F. Thies is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @BreccanFThies.
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