“Climate change” is the last priority for Americans and has dropped as an issue that must be dealt with immediately, according to a CBS News/YouGov poll on Friday.

The poll found that “climate change” was last on the list of most important priorities for Americans. Respondents ranked the economy (76 percent), inflation (73 percent), crime (59 percent), Ukraine (58 percent), immigration (48 percent), and then “climate change” (39 percent) in respective order of importance.

Fewer Americans also see “climate change” as a pressing issue last year. Today, only 49 percent of respondents said “climate change” is a pressing issue and should be solved “right now.” In April 2021, that number was 54 percent, a downward shift of six percent under President Biden.

In addition, Democrats do not believe that “climate change” is the most important issue. Blue Dog Democrats say the economy (74 percent), Ukraine (71 percent), and inflation (67 percent) have greater priorities than “climate change” (56 percent).

When radical Democrats were asked, “climate change” was still not the greatest priority. The top spot was held by Ukraine (74 percent), while “climate change” came in second (72 percent) ahead of inflation (68 percent) and the economy (67 percent).

Biden’s handling of climate change is underwater. Only 43 percent approve and 57 disapprove of Biden’s management of the warming of the globe. Regarding issues that matter most to Americans, Biden’s approval rating is terrible: inflation (31-69 percent) and the economy (37-63 percent).

The poll sampled 2,062 Americans from April 5-8 with a ± 2.8 point margin of error.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter and Gettr @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.