Ilhan Omar: ‘Snowflakes’ Offended by Post Mocking Airplane Christians

WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 22: Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) listens during a news conference on
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said that only “snowflakes” were offended by her post criticizing Christians publicly worshipping mid-flight aboard an airplane.

The squad member stepped into a heap of trouble over the weekend in response to a viral video that featured Christians singing worship music while in flight. According to Omar, had the worshippers been Muslim, events would not have unfolded as peacefully.

Conservatives and Christians immediately pounced on Omar, calling her a bigot. The congresswoman labeled them “snowflakes” in response.

The original clip, which garnered over 30 million views over the weekend, was originally posted by Jack Jensz Jr., the founder of Kingdom Realm Ministries, “who has been assisting Ukrainian refugees in Europe along with his congregation,” Breitbart News reported.

Omar was criticized by a variety of conservative figures and pundits, from Rep. Lauren Boebert (D-CO) to former Miss Iraq, Sarah Idan.


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