The latest poll from the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) of 77 battleground congressional districts across the country showed that the Democrats face headwinds with voters as they are being held responsible for record-high inflation, skyrocketing gas prices, and out-of-control spending.

The NRCC’s battleground survey covered the 77 battleground congressional districts that could determine control of Congress after redistricting. The committee surveyed these districts because they are currently held by the most “at-risk” Democrats, whose districts President Joe Biden won by only five and half points or less.

The poll found that Biden’s descending approval numbers help Republicans on the generic ballot as voters believe Democrats are “out of touch” and “condescending.” Biden’s approval in the battleground districts is 15 points underwater, as only 40 percent of the voters approve of the president, while 55 percent disapprove. Seventeen percent of those who disapprove, strongly disapprove of Biden’s performance.

Of the independents surveyed, only 30 percent approve of Biden’s job as president, with 62 percent disapproving — which has eroded by a net -34 points since February 2021. With Hispanic voters, Biden’s approval rating is at a net negative ten, a 31-point drop since February 2021.

With all of this, Republicans lead the generic ballot by four points, which the NRCC pointed out is despite Biden winning battleground districts by over five points in the last election cycle. Over the last year, since February 2021, Republicans have seen a seven-point improvement in the battleground survey. Overall, 75 percent of swing voters in those districts believe that Democrats are “out of touch” and “condescending” towards everyday Americans.

The poll found that the cost of living, jobs, and the economy were at the top of the list of concerns for battleground voters, giving Republicans an advantage with those voters. Forty-six percent of the respondents indicated that they are mainly concerned with economic issues. Twenty-six percent of the respondents said inflation and the cost of living should be the most important issue for Biden and Congress to work on, while 15 percent are most concerned about jobs and the economy.

The Republicans hold a 24-percent advantage over Democrats on the generic ballot with those respondents mostly concerned about the cost of living, and a 20-point advantage with respondents who are mostly concerned about jobs and the economy.

Fifty-two percent of the respondents blame the Biden administration and Congressional Democrats’ unwillingness to allow more oil and gas production in the United States for skyrocketing gas prices. In comparison, only 31 percent blame Russia’s invasion into Ukraine and sanctions on Russian oil and gas. Two-thirds (67 percent) believe Democrats in Congress are spending money out of control, and 56 percent of respondents said high gas prices are hurting their families the most, while 41 percent said rising food costs are hurting their families the most.

Respondents also overwhelmingly support Republicans focused on addressing Democrat-created crises. Seventy-five percent of respondents said they are more likely to support a Republican candidate who will fight to lower the price of groceries and gas. Also, 78 percent said the same for a Republican who will work to stop cartels from bringing drugs into the United States. Additionally, 80 percent said they are more likely to support a Republican candidate willing to advance energy innovation to help the country’s economic growth and lower energy prices.

Furthermore, 73 percent of the respondents favor increasing oil and gas production and exploration across the country — 54 percent of the respondents are “strongly” in favor. Only 23 percent of the respondents said they opposed having an increase in oil and gas production and exploration across the country; 13 percent of these said they strongly opposed it.

The NRCC’s survey was conducted from March 12 to 16, and polled 1,000 registered likely voters. The margin of error for the sample size was plus or minus 3.1 percent.

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter.