Only ten percent of independents strongly approve of President Joe Biden’s job performance, a Wednesday Morning Consult/Politico poll revealed.

Overall, independents gave Biden a poor rating, with a majority of 55 percent disapproving and just 34 percent approving of Biden.

Among all registered voters, Biden also holds a negative approval rating, according to the poll. Fifty-five percent disapproved while 41 percent approved of the president’s performance. Of those, just 18 percent strongly approved of Biden, and 39 percent strongly disapproved.

On the topic of Biden’s management of the coronavirus, Biden’s approval rating did not greatly improve. A majority of voters gave Biden a negative approval rating (50 – 45 percent). Just 22 percent strongly approved of Biden’s handling of the pandemic, while 36 percent strongly disapproved.

Biden’s poor polling on coronavirus management follows a shift by many Democrat-controlled states regarding mask politics. New York, New Jersey, Oregon, Illinois, Delaware, and California are set to terminate either some or all mask mandates in the coming months, with Connecticut weighing its decision.

Citing a change in science, Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY), Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), praised the Democrats’ recent shift in masking policy. “Now, it’s time to give people their lives back. With science as our guide, we’re ready to start getting back to normal,” he claimed Wednesday.

The variable that seems to have changed the most is the political science surrounding the rise of the delta and omicron variants, thrusting Democrat-controlled localities into mask and vaccine mandates.

Many Republican states, such as Florida and Texas, have been operating normally without mask mandates since the spring and summer.

The White House’s medical experts have not yet joined the Democrat states’ new anti-mask mandate stance.

“At this time we continue to recommend masking in areas of high and substantial transmission,” Centers for Disease Control Dr. Rochelle Walensky stated Wednesday. “That’s most of the country right now.”

A Democrat strategist told The Hill this week the White House fears proclaiming Americans safe without masks for fear of another variant appearing.

“No one wants a repeat of last July,” a Democrat strategist said. “We can’t spike the football when we’re dealing with a huge unknown.”

The Republican National Committee’s Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel issued a statement Wednesday slamming Democrats for their ever-changing politics on mask mandates.

“Joe Biden and Democrats have politicized ‘the science’ and are now lying about their shifting views on masks, mandates, and lockdowns,” she said. “Democrats don’t care about the consequences of their political agenda and the irreversible harm they’ve caused.”

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