Schweizer: ‘Very Clear’ Hunter, Joe Biden ‘Have Had Intertwined Finances’

Sunday on Fox News Channel’s Life, Liberty & Levin, Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer sounded off on President Joe Biden and his family members dealing with members “linked to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence.”

Schweizer, the author of Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, said it was “very clear” that President Joe Biden and his son Hunter “have had intertwined finances for a very long time.” He called on the FBI and Congress to investigate the Biden family’s dealings with China.

“[Joe Biden] directly benefitted because the other thing that we lay out in the book is it’s very, very clear that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden have had intertwined finances for a very long time,” Schweizer asserted. “What do I mean by intertwined finances? Well, there are communications where Hunter Biden complains to other family members that he’s having to send half his money to Pop, which is his father. But there’s also specific examples of him paying his father’s bills. Some of them are rudimentary. There’s a $320 a month phone bill for a back-channel phone that Joe Biden has when he was vice president, Hunter Biden’s paying that, but there are also tens of thousands of dollars of other bills in terms of renovations on Biden family homes, etc. So, the bottom line is money that Hunter connected overseas benefited not only Hunter Biden but Joe Biden himself and other family members, including James Biden. There’s a couple of million dollars of the Chinese money that ends up being sent to James Biden.”

“One other point to make, Mark, which I think is very important, and I think lays out the fact that this needs serious investigation, not only by the FBI but also by Congress with subpoena power, something very curious happens when Hunter Biden is securing these deals. There’s five deals we’ve identified that are linked to Chinese intelligence. Hunter Biden goes to Secret Service and says I no longer want protection when I travel overseas. That is a stunning thing that needs to be looked into,” he concluded.

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