Mark Levin: ‘I’m Really Hyped Up’ About ‘Red-Handed’; ‘Very Important that People Read This Book’

Mark Levin with inset of Peter Schweizer, author of "Red-Handed"
Gage Skidmore/ Flickr

Mark Levin said on Thursday’s edition of the Mark Levin Show that he was “really hyped up” about revelations of corruption among prominent political elites in Peter Schweizer’s Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.

“It is a book that flows,” Levin remarked. “It’s very important that people read this book.” He added, “I’m really hyped up about this.”

Levin stated, “Having read the vast majority of this book, I learned things I never knew, and you know I’m on top of these facts that the media in America will never investigate — will never cover — because they’re part of it.”

He invited his audience to watch a long-form interview between himself and Schweizer scheduled for Sunday on Fox News Channel’s Life, Liberty & Levin.

Red-Handed profiles many political elites’ financial links to the Chinese Communist Party and China’s head of state Xi Jinping, Levin stated:

You will be shocked to learn – shocked – even though at this point you’re probably thinking to yourselves, ‘Nothing will shock me anymore.’ You will be shocked to learn the extent to which Big Tech – Silicon Valley – is in the back pocket of Xi [Jinping] – not just China, but Xi – and how they slobber all over him and that regime, as if this is some kind of religious cult. Absolutely incredible.

You’re going to learn the extent to which Nancy Pelosi, her husband, John Boehner – these are two speakers, one a former speaker and this speaker – [Dianne] Feinstein and others are up in the grill of Xi [Jinping] and communist China, the kind of money that they earn.

You’re going to learn far more than that, you’re gonna learn the extent to which the corporatists in America are compliant with this regime, you’re going to learn about the Bush and Trudeau dynasties – with our focus on Bush – and how they’ve profited, and you’re going to learn things about the Bidens that you didn’t know – upwards of $31 million dollars transferred to the Biden family in one way or another, to one or another. Unbelievable, and it goes on and on.

Levin praised Red-Handed as Schweizer’s best book, heralding its extensive research.

Schweizer is president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) and host of the Drill Down alongside GAI colleague Eric Eggers.


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