Political Strategist: Hillary Clinton ‘Only Viable National Candidate’ for Democrats in 2024

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gives a thumbs up during a stop at the L
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Appearing Wednesday on the Fox News Channel, political strategist and pollster Doug Schoen said Hillary Clinton is the “only viable national candidate” for Democrats in the 2024 presidential election.

(Watch from 9:32)

A transcript is as follows: 

LAURA INGRAHAM: Do you think she’s going to do it? Trump maybe wants to run again to show everybody what he can do and Hillary thought that she never really lost. They both never thought they lost when they ran.

DOUG SCHOEN: I think President Trump is ahead in the polls. I think his policies certainly look better now than the Biden policies, even though I was not and am not a supporter of President Trump. Policy is policy. And I think that a rematch between the two is more likely today and then we would have ever imagined, even a couple months ago. Secretary Clinton is really, I think, the only viable national candidate that we Democrats have as we face historic midterm defeat.



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