President Joe Biden again referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “President Harris” on Tuesday, apparently forgetting again that he was the president of the United States.

“Last week, President Harris and I…” Biden began, referring to their speeches on Capitol Hill marking the first anniversary of the January 6 protests of the 2020 election.

The president spoke about Harris and the January 6 protests during a speech in Georgia, criticizing Senate Republicans and Democrats for blocking legislation that would federalize state and local elections.

“Pass the Freedom to Vote Act. Pass it now!” Biden said.

He called for filibuster reform that would allow the bill to move forward, despite two Democrat senators vocally resisting political pressures to do so.

Biden decried the Senate for its 50-50 split, complaining that it was only a “shell of its formal self” –  an institution that was once known as the world’s “greatest deliberative body.”

He said he supported changing the filibuster “whichever way they need to be changed” so that they could federalize elections.

“To protect our democracy, I support changing the Senate rules,” he concluded. “When it comes to protecting majority rule in America, the majority should rule in the United States Senate.”

Biden also referred to Harris as the president in a December speech in South Carolina and in March during a coronavirus speech in D.C.