Blue Michigan, led by famed lockdowner Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), has the highest coronavirus case rate in the nation, with the peak spiking at 59 percent in the last two weeks as other states such as Florida see record low numbers.
According to the New York Times’ coronavirus data tracker, Michigan is reporting a daily average of 8,457 cases, or 85 per 100,000. That represents a 59 percent increase over the last 14 days. In that same time frame, hospitalizations in the state jumped 41 percent, reporting a daily average of 4,092 hospitalizations.
Whitmer stood as one of the most prominent pro-lockdown figures throughout the pandemic, extending restrictions well into summer 2021. What is more, she sought police enforcement of her unconstitutional rules, actively seeking the “assistance of the Michigan Sheriffs’ Association (MSA) and Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police on a plan to urge Michigan residents to call law enforcement on alleged order violators,” as Breitbart News reported in June.
In July, the Michigan legislature took action, repealing an emergency powers law Whitmer used to her advantage throughout the pandemic, restricting people and businesses for months on end.
Despite that, Whitmer has continued to be unforgiving toward those battered by the pandemic, vetoing a bill this month that would have stopped the state from fining businesses that violated her coronavirus edicts, claiming it would have “disastrous consequences” for the state.
“When a state fails to maintain the minimum standard, it loses control over enforcement of workplace standards. That would mean higher penalties, an end to voluntary safety outreach services, and the loss of Michigan stakeholder voices in our occupational health and safety program,” she said.
“I will not let that happen,” Whitmer added.
The Democrat’s action stands as a stark contrast to the move Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) made in Florida this year, canceling all coronavirus fines imposed by local governments across the Sunshine State. Notably, Florida , which came under constant scrutiny throughout the pandemic, is booming economically and reporting the lowest coronavirus cases per capita in the entire nation with just three.
The only other states to report figures that come remotely close to Michigan’s is Gov. Kathy Hochul’s (D) New York, which is reporting a daily average of 5,809 cases (30 per capita) and Gov. Tom Wolf’s (D) Pennsylvania, which is reporting a daily average of 5,676 cases, or 44 per capita).