Reports: Joe Biden’s Open-Border Disaster Has Killed Hundreds of Migrants

border - A forensics team bury a group of 15 migrants who died trying to cross the Darien
AP Photo/Arnulfo Franco

At least 50, and perhaps 200, migrants have died in the Panama jungle while trying to reach President Joe Biden’s dangled offer of jobs in the United States, according to press reports.

“Everyone in the Biden administration and in the advocacy groups, and the NGOs that participate in this, should be ashamed of what is happening.,” Jessica Vaughan, the policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies, said. She continued:

Biden’s policy is so wrong, not only in the sense of the law, but morally wrong, because his policies are motivating people across the globe to turn over their life savings and put themselves and their children in the hands of a criminal smuggling organization, to take a very dangerous track through jungles, over danger dangerous bodies of water, breaking the laws of multiple countries on the way, putting themselves at risk for extortion, assault, and many other forms of harm.

The Associated Press reported on October 4:

On a recent afternoon, white-suited workers laid to rest 15 sets of remains in a long trench at the back of the cemetery. A local priest standing at the head of the trench with a candle, crucifix and flowers performed a simple ceremony. On the white body bags were handwritten clues: “Unknown in Bajo Grande,” “Unknown in Turquesa river,” and “Unknown #3, Minor.”

So far this year, Panama has recovered at least 50 sets of remains from migrants crossing the Darien Gap, a number officials believe is only a portion of those who died in the dense, lawless jungle. In recent years, 20 to 30 bodies on average have been recovered annually, but this year Panamanian authorities say more than 90,000 migrants — mostly Haitians — have crossed the Darien Gap from Colombia and the body count reflects that surging migration.

“That number is a minimum quantity of the human remains there are along the whole route,” said José Vicente Pachar, director of Panama’s Forensic Sciences Institute. “Many of them die of natural causes, for example, a heart attack; they fall and no one attends to them. They stay there or they’re assaulted or the water’s current comes and takes the bodies that end up floating along the river’s edge.” Snake bites are also common.

“Migrants have been buried in at least a half-dozen other communities in Darien,” the AP reported.

The AP article got minimal exposure in the U.S. media on the day it was published.

But the traumatic and deadly trek by almost 100,000 Biden migrants has been eagerly publicized by foreign media outlets. Those reports usually include interviews with migrants who say they saw multiple bodies in the jungle, people being swept downriver or abandoned on the trail, and women being raped.

Many of the economic migrants tell the cameras they are hoping for decent jobs. U.S. immigration laws exclude economic migrants — but Biden’s deputies still allow economic migrants to take U.S. jobs for at least several years year while they wait to make their claims in court.

Federal law requires that asylum seekers be held in detention before their court date, but federal officials stopped enforcing that law in 2009.

Many migrants also bring their young children through the jungle. They do so because Biden’s border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, allows many families with children to get through the U.S. border, despite the Title 42 legal barrier against migrants.

“They are not applying the [border] controls to people with children, — a child is a quotation shield, a child is a free pass into the country,” Vaughan said.

The migration is also extracting the young people who could force government reform in their corrupt and poor home countries, she said. Biden and his allies “are hypocritical and self-serving in advocating for these policies that lead to so much harm and trauma, and that fuel the corruption that is one of the root causes for the failed economies in the sending countries.”

Biden and his deputies actually use taxpayers’ funds to support the deadly Darien Gap migration. “In Panama, through our international organization partners, the United States provides basic humanitarian aid to asylum seekers, refugees, and vulnerable migrants, and supports efforts to increase access to local services,” a State Department official told Breitbart News in July.

In contrast, Trump’s officials paid Panamanian officials to deport the migrants.

Pro-migration groups are trying to deny their role in encouraging the migrants to take the deadly and destructive trek through the Darien Gap.

Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, for example, is an advocate for the Immigration Council, which is a spin-off of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. Both groups have repeatedly urged that all migrants be allowed into the United States to plead for asylum, and have cheered the easy migration rules that have convinced migrants that the Darien trek is worth the risk.

Yet Reichlin-Melnick wants to blame the media for the resulting migration wave:

Mayorkas, Biden’s border chief, had done little to stop the trek through the jungle — but has promised to put the “dignity” of migrants “foremost” in his policies.

“A lot these migrants may be poor, but they are not stupid,” responded Vaughan:

They’re coming now because they have a reasonable expectation that they will be allowed to stay in the United States. They wouldn’t attempt this, they wouldn’t turn over their life savings and put themselves in a dangerous situation, unless that were true. And they know enough people who have already done it.

The U.S. media wants to ignore the deaths after delivering rose-tinted, pro-Biden coverage of the migrant wave, said Vaughan. “It is astounding to watch the hypocrisy of the news media and covering this in a way that completely absolves both the parents and the [administration] policies of any responsibility for the horrors that happened to these kids.”

But Biden’s Hunger Games-style immigration policy is finally getting some cautious coverage from U.S. media outlets:

“At least 50 bodies have reportedly been found this year, but the real death toll is estimated to be four times higher,” said a low-drama October 4 report by CBS reporter Manuel Bojorquez. “More than 88,000 have already crossed this year [and] Panama estimates one out of every four are children.”

In contrast, the media was far more aggressive when migrants tried to cross President Donald Trump’s border. “The media gave enormous attention to any case of migrants that they thought were harmed by Trump’s policy, and tried to make Trump responsible for any harm that befell migrants legislation,” Vaughan said.

Google, for example, shows 45,000 links that mention Trump and Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez, a Salvadoran migrant who drowned in the Rio Grande with is daughter in 2019.

Once Biden’s economic migrants emerge from the jungle, they have many more dangers to get endure.

“Migrant rights groups estimate that in Mexico alone as many as 80% of migrants have been victimised, extorted or abused on their journey, many of them by the police and the immigration authorities,” the BBC reported.

Many other Biden migrants die of thirst in the Texas scrublands because so many more migrants are being allowed to sneak across the border. Breitbart News reported October 4:

“It has been a devastating year in our county,” Brooks County Sheriff Benny Martinez told Breitbart Texas. “It has been a long time since we have seen this many deaths in one year, and this has only been nine months.”

Martinez said his deputies and Border Patrol agents recovered the bodies or skeletal remains of at least 120 migrants this year. This includes ten deaths recorded in a violent crash when a van loaded with 30 rolled over and struck a light pole in a human smuggling attempt.

“As long as the policies of the Biden Administration remain there is no end in sight to this train of death,” Sheriff Martinez. “The ruthless smugglers will continue to exploit these vulnerable people and then leave them in Brooks County to die.”

The fate of the Biden migrants means little to the pro-migration groups, Vaughan said. For the pro-migration groups, “the migrants are props — and they always have been — to help them make the case for more migration,” she said.

The federal welcome for legal and illegal immigration is a pro-establishment economic policy that extracts foreign migrants from poor countries to serve as workers, consumers, and renters.

This extraction migration policy is pitched to the public as a national moral obligation precisely because it is opposed by the public, and it is opposed because it damages ordinary Americans’ career opportunities, cuts their wages, and raises their housing costs.

Migration also curbs Americans’ productivity, widens regional wealth gaps, shrinks citizens’ political clout, and imports the diversity that fractures their open-minded, cooperative, equality-promoting civic culture.

Once Americans recognize the horrors of Biden’s march, the pro-migration groups will just shift tactics, Vaughan predicted.

“Their vision is the importation of more workers, so when images from the border are getting embarrassing and unsettling to the public, so they’re going to try creating other ways for people to get here.”


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