Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Resigns Commission over Afghanistan Debacle

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller (Stuart Scheller / Facebook)
Stuart Scheller / Facebook

Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller on Tuesday announced that he has submitted his resignation from the Marine Corps with a requested effective date of September 11, 2021.

He posted his letter of resignation in a Facebook post, along with a message:

To The American Leadership,
We the people submit our resignation with a requested date of 11 September 2021.
Reason: Loss of trust and confidence.
We the people seek change. We the people seek leadership. We the people seek accountability. We the people WILL take it.
Every generation needs a revolution.
Very Respectfully,


Scheller submitted his letter of resignation after he filmed a video last Thursday evening demanding accountability from his senior leaders. He posted on Friday that he was fired as a battalion commander the next day at 2:30 p.m. ET.

He announced his plans to resign from the Marine Corps, after a fellow Marine and former mentor questioned his honor.

On Monday he confirmed that the Marine Corps ordered him to take a mental health evaluation and was sent on his way. He slammed the Marine Corps for suggesting that his actions were because of “PTSD” or combat trauma and said it is harmful to service members to dismiss their concerns as PTSD.

He said “accountability from senior leaders would alleviate feelings of guilt or shame in service members more than individual counseling.”

Scheller’s initial post came after 11 Marines — including one he personally knew — were killed at the Kabul airport, when an ISIS suicide bomber detonated a suicide vest where American service members were screening people at an airport gate.

The service members were deployed there as part of a massive, yet hasty evacuation effort ordered by President Joe Biden after the Taliban took over the entire country before thousands of American citizens and Afghan Special Immigrant Visa applicants were able to get out.

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