White House talking points are reportedly being circulated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to the Democrat caucus about mitigating the Afghan disaster, claiming that President Joe Biden will “hold the Taliban accountable.”

“We’ll hold the Taliban accountable to not allowing Al Qaeda a safe haven. if they do, there will be consequences that we’ll pursue,” a talking point reads, via a Vice News reporter:

Another talking point says, “The Administration knew that there was a distinct possibility that Kabul would fall to the Taliban… It was not an inevitability. It was a possibility… And the administration planned for every possibility,” the notes say. “There were contingency plans in place for any eventuality — including a quick fail of Kabul. That’s why there were troops pre-positioned in the region to deploy as they have done.”

The talking points come as President Joe Biden failed to properly withdraw from Afghanistan, allowing the Taliban terrorist to overrun the capital city, Kabul, taking over the president’s palace and an Afghan news station.

The United National Security Council released a statement Monday claiming the Taliban are holding talks to form an “open, inclusive Islamic government.”

United States Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the council, “Attacks against civilians or civilian objects must stop. The human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Afghan citizens, especially women, girls, and members of minority groups, must be respected.”

Meanwhile, video footage depicts the Taliban shooting those who are currently trying to leave or enter the compound of the Kabul airport. President Joe Biden sent troops Sunday to secure the airport’s perimeter to allow refugees and Americans to flee the country as it collapses.