A growing number of woke American corporations are touting their efforts to fight so-called climate change as part of their “Environmental, Social and Governance” portion of portfolios, including in second-quarter earnings reports.

“For corporates, meeting ESG demands from investors is becoming an increasingly formidable task, requiring sustainability reports and additional ESG headcount,” Goldman Sachs strategist David Kostin wrote according to an Axios report.

That is because investors are “continuing to ask for ESG-themed investment products, including green bonds,” according to Goldman Sachs.

Axios referred to a recent doomsday report produced by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, claiming the record hot weather in July is a direct result of man’s destruction of the planet and there are just years are left to address it.

The left-wing U.N. report warned countries to cut greenhouse gas emissions and donate money to the globalist organization to support the cause, as Breitbart News reported.

Axios reported on some of the comments made by corporate executives on the subject of climate change:

Axios reported on the backlash of what climate change zealots say is corporate “greenwashing,” or taking steps that seem to address the issue but do not actually have an impact.

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