Vogue magazine, which no longer hides its left-wing agenda, lays out the case for “climate change” via a glowing profile of Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg.

With fairy tale photos of Greta Thunberg and a small horse, the article gives her a platform to espouse her belief that man-made climate change is causing a countdown to the planet’s implosion.

“If you are buying fast fashion then you are contributing to that industry and encouraging them to expand and encouraging them to continue their harmful process,” Thunberg said in the first issue of the Scandinavian edition of Vogue.

The article’s headline gushes: “The Wonders of Greta Thunberg.”

CNN reported on the magazine’s cover star, including that Thunberg “catalyzed a movement of youth climate strikes, and now, at 18, Thunberg is one of the world’s most visible environmental activists.”

CNN reported:

Thunberg spotlighted the role of fast fashion — the mass production of inexpensive, on-trend clothing that maintains low pricing through labor exploitation and poor quality — in the worsening climate crisis.

“If you are buying fast fashion then you are contributing to that industry and encouraging them to expand and encouraging them to continue their harmful process,” she told the magazine. “Of course I understand that for some people fashion is a big part of how they want to express themselves and their identity.”

While sharing the Vogue cover on her social media accounts, Thunberg also called out the industry for greenwashing — or promoting an eco-conscious image without making meaningful change — with tokenistic and ambiguous gestures regarding sustainability.

“Many make it look as if the fashion industry is starting to take responsibility, spending fantasy amounts on campaigns portraying themselves as ‘sustainable,’ ‘ethical,’ ‘green,’ ‘climate neutral’ or ‘fair,'” Thunberg wrote on Twitter. “But let’s be clear: This is almost never anything but pure greenwash.”

CNN reports the magazine’s first issue focuses on “nature,” and its release comes at the same time as the United Nation’s latest climate report warning of a grim future until countries cut greenhouse gas emissions and donate money to the cause.

Thunberg said she does not want to be an activist but must remain an activist.

“The ideal thing would be to just return to school and finish education and not have to worry about the climate,” Thunberg said. “But as long as there is a need for activists I will probably be an activist.”

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