Biden Admin Brings Cross-Dressing TikTok Star to White House to Push COVID Vaccine

TikTok Star at White House

President Joe Biden’s White House invited a TikTok star personality to film in the building to promote the coronavirus vaccine.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki teamed up with comedian Benito Skinner aka Benny Drama, using one of his viral characters, “Kooper the intern,” now working for President Joe Biden.

The character wanders around the White House, the White House press room, West Wing offices, and the Executive Office building pretending to do things for the Biden White House team.

“Hey Jenny, I booked you a nail appointment love,” he says to Psaki, popping into her office.

“Yeah, I didn’t tell you to do that,” Psaki replies.

“Jen! Don’t forget to have fun!” he says popping his head into the briefing room.

“Kooper the Gen Z (@whitehouse) intern wants SHOTS IN ARMS,” Drama’s account read, urging Americans to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.

The video notes that it was filmed prior to the new Centers for Disease Control masking guidelines embraced by the White House, which is why Psaki and Skinner are not wearing masks.

Skinner’s impressions of the Kardashians fueled his rise as a social media influencer, earning him a feature in the New York Times.

He has about 855 thousand followers on TikTok.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki appears in the video reacting to the intern’s flamboyant antics.


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