Florida Lawmaker Files Bill Mandating Workers Show Proof of Legal Status to Work, as Migrants Flood State

Trump to Use Mandatory E-Verify
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Florida State Representative and U.S. Congressional candidate Anthony Sabatini (R) filed a bill Thursday to mandate workers provide evidence of legal status to be employed by all government or non-government employers, as migrants are flowing into the state.

“JUST FILED my first Bill for the 2022 FL Legislative Session. HB 6001 will mandate the use of E-Verify in FL, requiring ALL workers prove that they are legal BEFORE they can work in our State,” Sabatini tweeted. “With 70% of all new illegals coming straight to Florida, we MUST pass this Bill!”

Florida state law only mandates government employees and select private employers use E-Verify to obtain work. Sabatini’s legislation would mandate the same rule for all private enterprises.

“The pro-illegal immigration Republican establishment has been fighting this bill for years–its time to defeat them and pass this bill,” Sabatini told Breitbart News.

“With 70% of illegal immigrants coming to Florida, we are entering a crisis,” he continued, citing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) comments Saturday in which he stated 70 percent of migrants encountered by Florida law enforcement in Texas said their “ultimate destination is to the state of Florida.”

“We are absolutely gonna see impact in Florida and in other states if we don’t turn the tide on this,” DeSantis explained.

Sabatini’s bill would be a preventative measure to slow illegal migrants from stealing jobs from Florida residents, increasing crime in Florida’s cities, driving down wages, and driving up rents across the state.

“The Biden Plan of fundamentally changing the demographics of our country through rampant illegal immigration must stop,” Sabatini said in relation to the Democrats open-border polices to win more elections.

As an “immigration hawk,” Sabatini has also called for an “immigration moratorium” to help “working class Americans.”

“I think our focus needs to be on creating a better immigration policy by creating an immigration moratorium, so that way we’re helping working class Americans and Floridians in our state,” Sabatini stated about stagnant wages that are depressed by foreign labor.

Meanwhile, Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) has labeled her Republican challenger, Sabatini, an “extremist Trump supporter.”

In a campaign fundraising email, Murphy admitted that she needed more donations “or else people like Sabatini will feel even more emboldened.”

Sabatini fired back by telling Breitbart News Murphy is “Pelosi’s servant,” and that she “is suffering once again from Trump Derangement Syndrome,” adding he hopes “she seeks help from someone other than Dr. [Anthony] Fauci.”

National Republican Congressional Committee Spokeswoman Camille Gallo told Breitbart News via email that “Stephanie Murphy votes in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi’s socialist agenda and will be fired by Floridians in 2022.”

With Sabatini and Murphy’s congressional race projected to be among the top five U.S. House races in the country, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi placed Murphy on the January 6 “Crucifix Committee to shame every Florida Republican as a domestic terrorist,” Sabatini told Breitbart News at the time.

“But fortunately, Pelosi’s servant, Murphy, will be so busy running down a rabbit trail that she will have no time to explain why she supports a democrat party that harbors Marxists, antisemites and far-left lunatics who want to defund police,” Sabatini said in relation to how the assignment could ultimately benefit the Republicans’ effort to retake the House in 2022.


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