Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Says He Will Not Implement Another Statewide Mask Mandate

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks during a news conference where he provided an update to Texa
Eric Gay/AP Photo

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday insisted he will not implement another statewide mask mandate as calls for reinstating such restrictions grow nationwide.

“It’s only the younger cohort that are just now becoming to the age of vaccination that have not yet received a shot,” the governor said, explaining that he expects vaccinations to tick up a bit as school approaches:

What we do anticipate is that as kids are approaching the beginning of school, and with the delta variant increasing, you probably will see an increase in the number of parents choosing to have the child vaccinated, as well as, the increase in teachers who have not yet been vaccinated, probably going out and getting a vaccination. So, I do anticipate seeing an increase in the number of people getting a vaccine.”

Currently, CDC guidance recommends unvaccinated children to still wear a mask in school, while the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says everyone over the age of two should wear masks in school, regardless of vaccination status.
Abbott formally lifted the statewide mask mandate, which had been in place since July 2020, in March.


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