Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s favorability rating with her own state’s Republicans has plummeted to (the following is not a typo) six percent. Six! Her unfavorable rating with Alaska’s Republicans is a whopping 84 percent.

Overall, 59 percent of Alaskans are unfavorable towards Murkowski, while only 26 percent are favorable.

The worse news for her is with independents. A majority of 52 percent of independents hold an unfavorable view of her, while only 32 percent say favorable. Alaska’s independents tend to lean conservative.

The pollster, Change Research, adds that “By contrast, 85% of Republicans view former President Trump favorably.”

This poll came out five weeks ago but just popped up today in my Twitter feed.

This is dreadful news for Murkowski, who is up for reelection next year. She already has a challenger for the GOP nomination in Kelly Tshibaka, a former Alaska Department of Administration commissioner. Tshibaka has won the endorsement of former President Trump, and a head-to-head poll in April showed Murkowski losing the nomination to her rival by a full 15 points.

Murkowski is in real trouble, and the fault is all her own. She’s so arrogant, vain, smug, and entitled. She doesn’t seem to care at all about representing the people she’s supposed to represent. She voted against repealing Obamacare. She voted against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. She even voted to impeach President Trump.

The fake media lies about how Murkowski’s problems all come from the “Cult of Trump,” but Murkowski has been in this position before, although nowhere this bad.

Back in 2010, Murkowski lost the GOP nomination to Tea Party candidate Joe Miller. She then staged a remarkable comeback with a write-in campaign in the general election. As a result, she won a third term with just 39.5 percent of the vote.

But at the time, her numbers were nowhere near as dreadful as they are today, and it was almost certainly independents who saved her in 2010. Right now, only 32 percent of independents view her favorably. Plus, if she loses the GOP nomination, the GOP victor won’t be caught off guard this time by a write-in campaign.

Murkowski has also become a much worse senator since 2010. She’s even smugger and more of a creature of the D.C. swamp.

Let me just close by adding that a six percent favorable/84 percent unfavorable rating in your own party in your own state must be some sort of record.

But let’s give Murkowski credit where it’s due. She earned that 84 percent disapproval rating. She’s worked tirelessly for it.

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