Democrat Rep. Sean Casten (IL) when talking about the United States energy system in a recent conversation said “we’re always going to be … a little bit socialist.”

During a recent conversation about clean energy, Casten shockingly described the U.S. energy system to be “a little socialist.” The Democrat congressman has made the remarks while also saying that the nation’s energy system has “never really been totally a market economic system.”

Illinois Rising Action hit the congressman as he “joins [Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)] in living in an alternative, socialist, universe.”

During his remarks, he said, “The truth is that [the United States’] energy system has never really been totally a market economic system.”

“We like to tell ourselves it is,” he continued. “And in truth, we probably don’t want it to be.”

He added, “We don’t really want to live in a world where grandma’s ability to keep her insulin cold is a function of whether or not she can successfully navigate the supply-demand constraints that cause the price of electricity to spike last hour. Right?”

“So we’re always going to be a little bit capitalist and a little bit socialist in our system,” he further explained.


Executive Director of Illinois Rising Action Kayleen Carlson responded to the congressman’s outrageous claims by saying, “Casten’s endorsement of socialism is the latest example of how out-of-touch he is from the people that he is supposed to represent.”

“As Casten continues his sharp turn to the left, the families of the 6th Congressional District should be very wary of what’s to come from a representative who shows that he continues to be influenced by the policies of the socialist wing of his party” Carlson further said.

Last year, Casten suggested that militia service is the “litmus test” for gun ownership. He also noted at the time that “having small genitals is not sufficient reason to own a gun.”