Job Creators Network Praises SCOTUS Ruling on Arizona’s Ballot Harvesting Ban, California Donor Disclosure Requirement

ATLANTA, GA - NOVEMBER 03: A poll worker helps K. Maki (left) fill out a provisional ballo
Jessica McGowan/Getty Images

Job Creators Network, one of America’s largest small business advocacy organizations, praised the Supreme Court’s Thursday rulings striking down California requiring all charities to disclose major donors and the high court upholding Arizona’s voting regulations that barred ballot harvesting.

“Today’s Supreme Court ruling upheld Arizona’s common sense election law, preventing the fraud-laden practices of ballot harvesting and counting of ballots in the wrong precinct,” said Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of the Job Creators Network in a statement.

“This spells trouble for the Department of Justice’s wrongheaded lawsuit against the state of Georgia over its election reform law, and also further demonstrates Major League Baseball’s decision to move its All-Star Game from Georgia – robbing local businesses of $100 million in revenue – was absurd,” Ortiz continued.

“I guess the MLB will have to add Arizona to the list of states that can’t host an All-Star Game now, unless they’re willing to admit they were wrong about Georgia.”
The SCOTUS donor disclosure ruling rebukes a measure supported by Vice President Kamala Harris, when she was attorney general of California.

“The Supreme Court’s ruling on Arizona’s election law reinforces the argument that MLB’s decision to move the All-Star game out of Atlanta had no objective merit,” said Job Creators Network legal counsel Howard Kleinhendler. “It was a heartless decision based on MLB’s desire to identify with the woke cancel culture.”
Oritz called the left’s push to force donors to disclose their records a “shameless attacks on the First Amendment.”

“Donor privacy enjoys widespread support across the political spectrum, including the ACLU and the NAACP – as they and other liberal organizations filed amicus briefs supporting the Americans for Prosperity Foundation,” Ortiz said. “Especially in times like these, when donors and supporters who support or advocate on different issues could face physical harm or harassment for their beliefs, the court was right to protect their anonymity.

“This is a warning to liberals in Congress who want to force disclosure to intimidate donors: your own supporters oppose you on this,” he said.

Jerome Hudson is Breitbart News Entertainment Editor and author of the book 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know About Trump. Order your copy today. Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter, instagram, and Parlor @jeromeehudson


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