‘It’s Been a Rocky Road’ — Joe Biden Stops for Two Scoops of Ice Cream

US President Joe Biden orders an ice cream cone while visiting the The Pearl Ice Cream Par
SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden stopped at an ice cream parlor in La Crosse, Wisconsin, on Tuesday for two scoops of ice cream.

As Biden squinted up at the sign detailing the ice cream flavors, one server offered to get him a picture menu.

“No, I got a thing,” Biden replied.

The president ordered two scoops of ice cream on a double-dipped sugar cone, one scoop of cookies and cream, and one scoop of strawberry.

“You’re not getting rocky road for infrastructure?” asked a reporter who was traveling with the president.

“It’s been a rocky road but we’re going to get it done.”

Democrat Governor Gov. Evers and two Democrat members of Congress joined Biden for ice cream, but only got one scoop of ice cream.

Biden asked the reporters wanted any ice cream, but an aide noted they would give them something on the flight home.


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