A poll released Wednesday indicates the majority of Americans now believe coronavirus originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Almost 54 percent said the virus originated in the lab when respondents were asked by Trafalgar Group, “What best describes your opinion of how COVID-19 started?”

More specifically, 29.1 percent believe the flu was intentionally released from the lab, while 24.4 believe it accidentally escaped from the lab.

And 29.3 percent said they are undecided where the virus originated.

The poll comes as lawmakers look to a classified report which allegedly supports the theory the Chinese coronavirus originated from Wuhan Institute of Virology.

“I think a lot of us think various oversight committees probably should have been made aware of [the report] a little bit sooner,” House Energy and Commerce Committee member Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-VA) said about the report. “We want to get answers… because we think they have a bigger piece of the puzzle than we originally thought back in March.”

The top secret report was issued by researchers at the government-backed Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in May 2020.

Meanwhile, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State David Feith, who investigated the lab leak scandal, stated June 2 that governments, educational institutions, and companies can’t be sure they aren’t unknowingly working with the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) military if they’re doing science and technology exchange in China.

When former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was asked in March if he could say the U.S. believed the Chinese military was involved with research at the Wuhan Lab, Pompeo replied, “That’s correct, and it is a high-confidence assessment that that’s the case.”

Whatever the connection between scientists and the CCP, the State Department’s fact sheet on the origins of the flu says the CCP has “systematically prevented a transparent and thorough investigation of the COVID-19 pandemic’s origin, choosing instead to devote enormous resources to deceit and disinformation.”

The poll was conducted June 3 – 7 with 1025 respondents of likely general election voters. The margin of error is 3.06 percent.