Exclusive: Zionist Organization of America Slams Far-Left Democrats for ‘Anti-Israel’ Remarks

Uproar follows US congresswoman's Holocaust remarks

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) head Morton Klein slammed several far-left Democrats on Thursday, including Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), after the Democrats lambasted Israel and called to cut all U.S. aid to the Jewish State.

In an exclusive statement made to Breitbart News, the ZOA, the nation’s oldest pro-Israel organization, called out the Democrats for their “absurd” depictions of Israel.

“Anti-Israel Jew-hating Reps. Omar, Tlaib and some others, have disgracefully not only supported boycotting America’s closest ally Israel but absurdly called Israel ‘evil,’ ‘racist,’ and an ‘apartheid state,’” Klein wrote.

Klein then criticized Democrat leaders for embracing and empowering those far-left members of Congress with a history of controversial remarks against Jews and Israel.

“Yet not only have Democratic Party leaders [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and [House Majority Leader] Steny Hoyer [D-MD] refused to condemn these bigots, they have defended them and given some promotions on committees they serve.”

After condemning the far-left Democrats for calling to divert U.S. aid from Israel to the Palestinians, Klein called them out for advocating the funding of terror.

“Even more hateful [is that] these Jew-hating members of Congress have urged cutting US aid to the human rights-loving democracy of Israel while demanding increasing US aid to the terrorist human rights-abusing dictatorship of [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud] Abbas’ Palestinian Authority which pays Arabs to murder Jews,” Klein wrote. 

“These irrational outrages which reduce the chances of peace and increase the likelihood of terrorism and war would even shock George Orwell,” he added.

Tlaib received criticism Thursday on Twitter for branding Israel an apartheid state, sharing a false story accusing Israeli settlers of burning Palestinian land, and criticizing U.S. aid to the Jewish state.

Tlaib also shared a petition demanding Palestinians not be evicted from four homes in an East Jerusalem neighborhood after the Israeli Supreme Court established that the land and homes had originally belonged to Jewish families.

In addition to other far-left Democrats, Omar also criticized U.S. military aid to Israel.

“We provide $3.8 billion in military aid to the Israeli government a year, without any accountability,” she wrote. “As we speak, the Israeli military plans to force over 500 Palestinians from their homes.”

“We must make sure that no US tax dollars are used to fund this violence,” she added.

Klein slammed Omar in April for a personal tweet of hers on Holocaust Remembrance Day, which he deemed antisemitic.

In the tweet, Omar described Israel as “a wealthy country that’s getting $3.8 billion a year from America. Yet their Ambassador has the audacity to complain about $150 million going to Palestinian refugees. Shameful.” 

Follow Joshua Klein on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.


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