Open borders activists are participating in a National Day of Action in Washington, DC, on Saturday, demanding immigration reform, specifically amnesty, for the 11 to 22 million illegal aliens residing in the United States.

According to the release of the event, attendees are specifically demanding citizenship for illegal aliens and “citizenship for the immigrants who have toiled as essential workers during the coronavirus pandemic, citizenship for DACA and TPS holders, and the use of reconciliation to pass immigration reform.”

May Day, or May 1, is celebrated around the world as International Workers’ Day, a day that immigrant communities around the United States rise up to call for an end to racism and xenophobia, demand needed change, and show their power. On this day, a coalition of immigration justice organizations will hold a large-scale march and rally in the nation’s capital, Washington, DC. Community members and allies from the Greater Washington DC area and East Coast will march in DC beginning at Black Lives Matter (BLM) Plaza and ending just outside the US Capitol on the National Mall.

Photos from the march:

(Photo credit: Jack Knudsen / Breitbart News)

On Friday, in an event that served as a precursor to Saturday’s protest, a group of open borders advocates and illegal aliens met outside the White House to protest what they described as “crumbs” from President Biden and Democrats in terms of immigration reform. Several of them were arrested by U.S. Secret Service after hours of chanting, singing, and blocking roads.

The activists participating in Friday’s protest demanded “total freedom” from borders and law enforcement and at one point chanted, “Cops and borders we don’t need them. All we want is total freedom!”


Saturday’s event is slated to begin at 11 a.m. Eastern.