Congressman Posts Photo of Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Made in China’ Masks for Biden Speech

Congressman Troy Nehls
Congressman Troy Nehls/Facebook

A Republican congressman posted on Facebook that he was issued a mask made in China to wear for President Joe Biden’s speech Wednesday.

Congressman Troy Nehls (R-TX) posted photos of himself on the House floor and talking to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX):

On the floor of the House with Senator Ted Cruz and other colleagues as we await President Biden’s first congressional…

Posted by Congressman Troy Nehls on Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A third photo was a close-up shot of the mask he said he was given that was clearly marked “Made in China.”

“…I found it more than interesting that I was issued a mask by Pelosi’s House upon arrival which is MADE IN CHINA. I opted for my American-made Texas flag mask instead,” Nehls wrote.

The “Made in China” mask ran counter to Biden’s rhetoric during the speech.

“All the investments in the America Jobs Plan will be guided by one principle: Buy American, buy American,” Biden said.

“American tax dollars are going to be used to buy American products, made in America to create American jobs,” he continued. “That is the way that it is supposed to be and it will be in this administration.”

In March, U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) argued the government should purchase protective equipment (PPE) from U.S. companies.

“We’ve got China hacking federal agencies, hacking our military and hacking our domestic companies, we’ve had theft of intellectual property,” he said, Salem News reported.

“We shouldn’t put our future and our safety in the hands of a government that’s been hostile to the interests of the United States.”

Lynch said there are “plenty” of American companies manufacturing such equipment.

“We’re asking all those given money to purchase PPE in the U.S.,” Lynch said.

“Support that market that we’re trying to create here in the U.S. There are companies all over the U.S. that are trying to provide product for the protection of U.S. citizens, but that can’t happen if we continue to buy product from China.”

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays–download full podcast episodes. Follow him on Parler.


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