D.C. Police to Launch ‘Full Departmental Activation’ Ahead of Derek Chauvin Verdict

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 26: Police stand by as protesters for and against the removal of the
Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

Police in Washington, DC, will enter “full activation mode” to control potential riots and protests in the city in response to a verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the officer allegedly responsible for George Floyd’s death.

An internal memo from the Metropolitan Police Department, which was obtained and reported on by WUSA9, states that beginning the morning of April 19, the department and its officers will be “fully activated to support expected First Amendment demonstrations.”

“All members should be prepared to work extended tours as necessary,” the memo stated, laying out certain restrictions.

Altered policies and leave restrictions outlined in the memo include:

  • Unless noted below, all full-duty sworn and essential civilian employees are to report to work at their regularly scheduled time and be directed by their supervisor for their deployment schedule.
  • Effective immediatley, no additional leave shall be granted. This leave restriction applies to all full-duty sownr employees of the Department. In addition, civilian employees who are designated as essential are subject to the same leave restrictions.
  • Beginning Monday, April 19, 2021, all days off are hereby canceled.
  • Effective immediatley, the optional sick leave and expected tardiness program are herby suspended. Members who report sick must respond to the Medical Services Division, Police and Fire Clinic, for evaluation and duty status.
  • All sworn members of the Department will go to a twelve-hour schedule effective with the first watch tour on Monday, April 19, 2021.

On Thursday, the defense rested its case and Chauvin exercised his Fifth Amendment rights to decline to testify himself. Chauvin faces charges of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. Should he be convicted, Chauvin will face up to 40 years in prison.

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