President Biden has gone 65 days without holding a press conference since taking office on January 20 despite vowing transparency and accessibility to the press.

The 78-year-old commander-in-chief is holding his first press conference Thursday afternoon after 65 days. His silence, from a press conference standpoint, has shattered records, taking longer to hold a press conference than the last two presidents combined.

“During his campaign, Joe Biden said interacting with the press is a ‘really important part of his responsibility as an elected official.’ But here we are at day 65 and Biden is only just giving his FIRST press conference,” the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) said in a statement ahead of the highly anticipated presser while noting that Biden is the “first president in at least 100 years to wait this long to hold a press conference this far into their term.”

“While Joe Biden has been hiding in the basement waiting for direction from his handlers, the American people have been waiting for him to answer a long list of questions,” the NRSC continued, providing a lengthy list of sample inquiries for Biden touching a range of issues, from the migrant crisis to the coronavirus.

A sampling of the NRSC’s questions include:

  • Why, 65 days into your term, is this only the first press conference you’ve held?
  • On the campaign trail, you continued to preach about following the science, yet when the CDC claims it is safe to reopen schools you do not listen. Why are you no longer following the science?
  • Is the situation at the border a ‘crisis’? And why have you handed this off to Vice President [Kamala] Harris (who has called previous migrant waves “crises” and supports legalizing illegal border crossings)?
  • What is your message to people who have lost their jobs or lost an opportunity to get a job because you stopped construction of the Keystone Pipeline?
  • Yes or No: Are you in favor of a person who was born as a biological male competing in women’s sports?

Biden’s press conference is slated to begin at 1:15 p.m. Eastern.