Jodey Arrington Proposes to Protect U.S. Energy Industry from Biden Administration

new bill introduced Arrington Texas
House Television via AP

Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-TX) introduced a bill on Wednesday that would encourage the United States to withdraw from the Paris climate treaty and a bill that would require the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to include the impact of job loss or creation in any notice of an EPA rulemaking.

Arrington said in a statement Wednesday that Biden’s climate agenda could result in thousands of Americans losing their jobs. He said:

On his first day in office,  President Biden caved to the far left’s extreme climate agenda, leaving thousands of hardworking American energy sector employees jobless in the midst of a global pandemic. By re-entering the Paris Climate Agreement, President Biden showed the American people he cares more about placating the climate alarmists than where thousands of energy workers will get their next paycheck and the cost that will be passed down to American consumers .At a time when Americans are struggling to find employment, we should work to create jobs—not destroy them. The need for fossil fuels and the jobs they provide could not be better exemplified than by the widespread power loss that has taken over Texas due to the winter storm.  While this is an infrequent circumstance for Texas, it is a reminder of the necessary role fossil fuel plays for communities across America.

During his first day in office, President Joe Biden recommitted the United States to rejoin the Paris climate agreement and ended the construction permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, both of which could result in tens of thousands of job losses and increase American dependence on foreign oil and natural gas.

On his second day in office, Biden issued a 60-day ban on new oil and gas drilling permits and leases for federal land and waters.

Read Arrington’s legislation calling on the United States to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement here.

Read Arrington’s legislation urging the EPA to include a job creation analysis with any rulemaking here.

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.


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