Nolte: Top Pollster Reports Only 49% Believe Coronavirus Vaccine Is Safe

A nurse prepares to administer the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine at a drive-thru COVID-19 vaccin
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

“[J]ust 49% of American Adults believe the new anti-COVID-19 [Chinese coronavirus] vaccine will be safe and effective,” according to Rasmussen Reports, one of the few accurate pollsters in the country.

An even lower number, only 46 percent, “think the new vaccine will be available in a way that is fair to everyone.”

On the question of whether the coronavirus vaccine will be safe, 21 percent do not believe it will be safe, while 30 percent are not sure. So, despite an enormous push in the media and government to boost public confidence in the vaccine, a majority of 51 percent are still not convinced.

When broken down by race, only 26 percent of blacks say they are “very likely” to get the vaccine, compared to 43 percent of whites and 36 percent of other minority groups.

On the question of whether the vaccine will be distributed fairly, 54 percent did not say yes. Twenty-four percent don’t think it will be fairly distributed, while 30 percent are undecided on the matter.

Rasmussen also shows confidence in the vaccine drops off slightly when people are asked outright if they intend to get the vaccine when it’s available. While 62 percent said they will get the vaccine, only 39 percent said they are “very likely to.  “That compares to 65% and 42% respectively a month ago and 70% and 53% in late April when Rasmussen Reports first asked this question,” Rasmussen writes.

Senior citizens were more likely to agree to be vaccinated than young people, which makes sense since seniors are the most at risk.

The poll also shows men “are more confident than women in the safety of the vaccine and the fairness of its delivery. Men are also a lot more likely to get one.”

My wife and I will probably get the vaccine. She’s in the high-risk category, but were in no hurry. We’re going to sit back and see how it goes first. But I personally don’t have misgivings. It’s understandable why some people do, especially when you look at how quickly this vaccine was created and approved. Still, though, we’re not all that worried about it.

It sure didn’t help things during the presidential campaign when Democrats, like our incoming president and vice president deliberately sought to undermine the credibility of the vaccine to score political points against President Donald Trump:

[Then-Democrat presidential candidate Joe] Biden questioned the safety of a potential coronavirus vaccine during an interview with Florida’s WKMG News 6 last Thursday [September]. “Who’s going to take the shot? Are you going to be the first one to say, ‘Sign me up,’ they now say it’s OK?” Biden asked.

[Sen. Kamala] Harris [D-CA] also cast doubt on a future vaccine in an interview on Sunday, calling it “an issue for us all.”

“I would not trust Donald Trump, and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he’s talking about,” she said.

So, thanks to His Fraudulency and Her Fraudulency, getting out of these masks could take a lot longer than it should. If too many people refuse to get the Trump Vaccine, the virus will likely linger and linger and linger.

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