Kamala Harris’s 4 Biggest Threats Facing America: Coronavirus, Recession, Racial Injustice, Climate Change

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) speaks to guests at the United
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris posted a video on Twitter Tuesday thanking her supporters and promising that she and President-elect Joe Biden would confront the “four existential threats” facing the nation — coronavirus, the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, racial injustice and climate change.

The video starts with a woman from Atlanta asking Harris: “I want to know what is something exciting and fun that you want to do when you get to the White House?”

“Well, Kerry, one of the things that I’m looking forward to is cooking and my husband Doug is looking forward to the same,” Harris said.

Harris then goes on to say what she and Biden think are the greatest threats facing America and what their goals are once in office.

“But you know, as the president elect and I said on the campaign trail, we’re in the midst of four existential crises — a pandemic, a recession, a long overdue reckoning on racial injustice, and, of course, the climate crisis,” Harris said.

“And as we address these crises, I know what I’m looking most forward to is small businesses getting back on their feet,” Harris said. “You know, children going back to school every day like the president-elect said.”

And as Congress is yet to approve a coronavirus relief bill or funding the government, Harris said lawmakers need to “cooperate” with the new administration.

“We have a plan,” Harris said. “We need Congress to cooperate and work with us on it, but it an be done. It’s very doable.”

“I’m looking forward to all Americans taking the vaccine and wearing masks and being safe,” Harris said. “I’ll tell you I’m so looking forward to next year and the holiday season and being with our family in person.”

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