Rita Hart Aims to Overthrow Iowans’ Vote in 2nd Congressional Race

Rita Hart
Facebook/Rita Hart

Former Democrat Iowa State Senator Rita Hart has defended her plan to appeal the results of Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District race, which she lost by very few votes to Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks.

“When we know there were a lot of votes that were not examined it’s just so crucial that we get this right and we make sure every person’s vote was counted,” Hart said.

According to Hart, she is challenging the results in the U.S. House of Representatives instead of Iowa courts because “there was only one way that we could get the result that we need, and that is to take this to the Committee on House Administration.”

Once filed, Hart’s challenge will be reviewed by the House administrative committee in Washington, DC.

Miller-Meeks took to social media to share the clip of Hart’s message on election challenges, saying the “only way she can win” is if Democrats, which have the majority in the House, overturn the election.

“My opponent said it herself: She knows the only way she can win is if the Democrat controlled U.S. House overturns the election result,” Miller-Meeks wrote in a tweet.

“That is why she is ignoring the will of Iowa voters and asking Nancy Pelosi to elect her,” Miller-Meeks added.

Calvin Moore, the communications director for American Action Network, a nonprofit, conservative issue advocacy group based in Washington, DC, described Hart’s actions as a “shameful power grab.”

“At least Rita Hart is finally coming clean with the truth: there is ‘only one way’ she can win and that’s if Nancy Pelosi overrides voters to give her the seat,” Moore said. “This is a shameful power grab at its worst and lawmakers ought to reject her ploy outright.”

With more than 400,000 votes cast and an official recount certified by state officials, it was confirmed that Hart was defeated by Miller-Meeks by six votes.

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