Durbin: ‘Joe Biden Is Going to Be Sworn in as the Next President’

Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) said Sunday ABC’s “This Week” that Joe Biden is going to be sworn in as the next president of the United States on January 20.

Durbin was reacting to the previous interview with Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN).

Braun said, “All I can tell you is if you don’t at least give a perfunctory kind of investigation into it, whether it’s Dec. 14 and what happens beyond, you’re going to have a good part of the country — it’s over 50% — that view that something is amiss. And that’s going to carry forward in terms of undermining a democracy.”

Stephanopoulos said, “Senator Braun is not alone among your Republican colleagues in the Senate. They refuse to accept the results of this election. What do you make of it?”

Durbin replied, “I have very strong feelings about that. I’m going to say the following. Joe Biden is going to be sworn in as the next president of the United States on January 20. In the remaining days, we’re going to be in session in Washington. I hope we don’t get embroiled in that debate further. I want us to focus on what we’re trying to achieve with this COVID relief package. This is our last chance before Christmas and the end of the year to bring relief to families across America in the midst of a public health crisis. It’s time to put the partisan labels aside.”

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