The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society is holding a press conference featuring three whistleblowers who are expected to give “eyewitness accounts of suspected voter fraud.”

The press conference, slated to begin at 2 p.m. in Arlington, Virginia, will feature three whistleblowers who are expected to provide what has been described as “personal eyewitness accounts demonstrating significant potential election fraud, some of which affects hundreds of thousands of ballots.”

The witnesses are also expected to reveal evidence of “unlawful actions made by election officials,” as well as “widespread illegal efforts by USPS workers to influence the outcome of the election.”

Per the release:

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society embarked on a multistate effort in 2019 to ensure election integrity in the 2020 elections. Rigorous on-the-ground investigations have uncovered extensive evidence of fraud affecting hundreds of thousands of ballots that is being used in litigation across five states. These investigations have led to the discovery of the whistleblowers coming forth in the press conference today. Each of the whistleblowers will make a publish statement about their eyewitness observations that may prove malfeasance on the part of election officials and USPS officials. Amistad Project Director Phill Kline will lead today’s press conference.

The witnesses’ affidavits are reportedly being used as evidence in election integrity lawsuits in key swing states.