Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) dismissed concerns of millions of Americans who are worried about the integrity of the election, asserting at a press conference with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday that the election is “not in doubt.”

“The election is not in doubt,” Schumer declared at the joint presser with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), dismissing election concerns as “nothing more than a temper tantrum by Republicans.”

Recent surveys suggest otherwise. A survey on Tuesday from Just the News Daily and independent pollster Scott Rasmussen found that less than half of Americans, or 49 percent, believe Biden won the election, while 34 percent expressed the belief that Trump won, and 16 percent remained unsure.

It is “nothing more than a pathetic political performance for an audience of one: President Donald John Trump,” Schumer assessed, contending that Joe Biden’s (D) Electoral College victory has been “secured by several states, where tens of thousands of votes separate the candidates.”

The final results were not certified at the time Schumer made his remarks.

“Joe Biden leads Wisconsin by 20,000; Pennsylvania … 50,000; Michigan … 146,000. That’s the facts. Biden’s won. Nothing Republicans or Trump can do will change that,” he said, effectively dismissing the Trump campaign’s legal challenges focusing on election integrity and referring to them as “frivolous.”

Trump’s “frivolous lawsuits have less than a snowball’s chance in hell of succeeding,” he quipped, accusing the GOP of “deliberately and recklessly sowing doubt about our democratic process.”

“The biggest change since Election Day is that Donald Trump, who is not for helping us in COVID and who is against the HEROES bill, has lost,” Schumer told reporters as his mask hung below his nose. “That was an overwhelming referendum by the American people.”

Pelosi added that Biden received a “mandate” to “address the challenges that our country faces as well as to have a positive initiative on how to grow the economy in a fair way.”

Their assertions notwithstanding, the election is not yet final, and many doubt their claims of a “mandate,” as Democrats lost seats in the House, despite Pelosi’s predictions that their majority would grow by “double digits.”