Young Turks contributor Aida Rodriguez condemned sexism in Latino communities and “ignorant white people that are poor and struggling” who are excited by the “outrageous, egregious” behavior of Donald Trump for him beating analysts’ expectations as more election results came in.

“So far tonight, no lead has held for Biden, it just dissipates. So we’ll see what happens,” said Young Turks founder Cenk Uygur.

The comments came as part of the Young Turks’ live election broadcast on YouTube.

“I don’t know if that union vote is indicative in Ohio or not … I saw it in almost every demographic. White, Latino, Black, etcetera. Trump appealed to the macho in them, and since the Democrats are so weak … us appealing to the macho in men seems inconceivable. And there’s a way to do that, not in a bad way…”

“How big a deal was that issue in terms of whether it was sexism, the macho appeal, etcetera, in this election, do you think, Aida?”

“Huge,” responded Rodriguez. “When you talk about our Latino, Latinx community …there is a big machismo problem in our communities.”

“But you hear, like, I actually have dedicated time that I’ll never get back in life to reading tweets, to going and investigating what my people are saying, and you’ll see ‘oh, he’s unafraid, he’s unapologetic, nobody’s gonna come in this country and turn it into Cuba, he’s gonna fight, he’s not embarassed to say what’s on his mind'”

“That whole thinking, that’s toxic masculinity.”

“We don’t address race, and we don’t address the sexism that rests within our communities.”

“You talk about these ignorant, you know, white people that are poor and struggling. ‘Oh, I like Donald Trump.’ You see them jumping out of their cars, saying ‘I’ll punch you in the face, I got my gun.'”

“Everything is about this toxic behavior, and it comes from Donald Trump looking you in your face and saying the most outrageous, egregious things that a human being can say about another human being…. They identify with it, they celebrate it.”

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. His new book, #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election, which contains exclusive interviews with sources inside Google, Facebook, and other tech companies, is currently available for purchase.