Trump: ‘They Say You Cannot Win Without Big Tech, We’re Going to Find Out’

Masters of the Universe

During his rally last night in Grand Rapids, Michigan, President Trump discussed Big Tech and its efforts to influence the presidential election. Trump pointed out:  “Well they say you can’t win without Big Tech, well we’re going to find out tomorrow, wouldn’t that be wonderful?”

President Donald Trump spoke last night in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as he continued to campaign across the nation hitting critical swing states right up until today’s election.

During the rally, President Trump discussed Big Tech companies and its efforts to influence the upcoming presidential election. President Trump stated: “The fake news, and Big Tech, you know Big Tech is getting very dangerous, very dangerous, but it’s one of the reasons we have to win. They have me trending every day on Twitter, trending, they make up these stories, put up these stories, or they take an old story, make it bad.”

The President continued to call out sites such as Twitter, stating: “Number one story, some boring, trending is like you’ve got to be cool to trend right? I’m trending number one, number two, number three, every one negative, negative, negative, how the hell did I ever win this thing? It’s such a fix with these people! I’m always trending with these stories that didn’t happen or they make them different, and I don’t want to act like a complainer but it’s a totally rigged deal.”

President Trump added: “And everyone said four years ago, they said “sir you can’t win,” why? “Because Big Tech is against you,” I said what’s Big Tech? I didn’t even know what the hell it was, right? I learned fast because I think we’re number one in the world now on social, we learned very well!”

Drawing cheers from the packed crowd, President Trump added: “Well they say you can’t win without Big Tech, well we’re going to find out tomorrow, wouldn’t that be wonderful?”

Watch the full rally at Breitbart News here.


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