Mark Kelly Campaign Spokesman Called Cops ‘Worthless F*cking Pigs’

TUCSON, AZ - JANUARY 20: Mark Kelly, husband of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), speak
John Moore/Getty Images

Mark Kelly campaign spokesman T.J. L’Heureux is apologizing for calling police “worthless f*cking pigs” in August 2020, the Washington Times reported.

L’Heureux hurled the insult after watching “Chicago police clashing with protesters,” the Times reported.

The insult was made in an August 17, 2020, tweet, which L’Heureux has since deleted but which the Washington Free Beacon published.

“Chicago Police you worthless fucking pigs,” L’Heureux’s tweet read.

L’Heureux joined Kelly’s campaign about a week after sending the text.

“I deeply regret my comment and apologize for what I wrote — I was wrong,” L’Heureux told the Arizona Republic. “My comment does not reflect who I am or what I believe, and most importantly, it is not representative of what this campaign stands for. The language I used and the sentiment I conveyed do not belong in our political process, which is why I have deleted the tweet.”

Kelly is a pro-gun control Democrat challenging pro-Second Amendment Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ). He is running on expanding background checks and empowering police to seize firearms, but McSally suggests he has an even larger gun control plan which he is not discussing.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkinsa weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him at You can sign up to get Down Range at


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