‘Ideas Don’t Burn Down Buildings’ — Donald Trump Mocks Joe Biden Calling Antifa ‘An Idea’

Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

President Donald Trump on Wednesday ridiculed former Vice President Joe Biden for calling violent left-wing Antifa groups “an idea” during Tuesday’s first presidential debate.

“Joe Biden says Antifa is just an idea,” Trump said. “Well, ideas don’t assault cops and they don’t burn down buildings. Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization.”

The president commented during a campaign rally in Duluth, Minnesota, on Wednesday night after Tuesday’s debate.

He boasted that he had received endorsements from law enforcement organizations all across the country, and Biden did not receive one.

Trump also accused corporate media of fueling the riots throughout the summer, failing to criticize the widespread protests.

“They think rioting is just ok, just do whatever you want,” Trump said. “You can do whatever you want, you don’t have to wear masks, you just riot, 25,000 people standing on each other’s face.”

He mocked them for the level of outrage that media pundits had for his debate performance.

“Arson is ok, but challenging Sleepy Joe is totally off-limits,” Trump said mockingly.


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