Fact Check: Joe Biden Did Not Support Trump’s China Travel Ban Despite Spread of Chinese Coronavirus

Video Source: USTV Pool

CLAIM: President Trump said during the first presidential debate that Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden did not support banning travel on China at the height of the Chinese coronavirus crisis.

VERDICT: True. Biden’s plan in dealing with the Chinese coronavirus does not include bans on travel from China, Europe, or any other hot spots.

“If you were here, it wouldn’t be 200,000. It would be two million people because you were very late on the draw,” Trump said. “You didn’t want me to ban China [travel], which was heavily infected. You didn’t want me to ban Europe [travel], which was heavily infected. You would have been much later Joe, much later.”

Trump has implemented travel bans on China, Iran, Europe, and Brazil to stop the outbreak of the coronavirus in the U.S. Experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci have said the travel bans are vital to stopping the spread of coronavirus.

In March, Biden said, “Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it. That same month, Biden’s coronavirus plan did not include travel bans on any country, regardless of their rate of spread of the virus.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.


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