Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s family members bought more than $100,000 worth of “extravagant items” in 2017 using a line of credit linked to associates of the Chinese communist government.

A bombshell report by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and Senate Finance Committee details numerous cases in which Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and family members have deep ties to the Chinese communist government, Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.

In one instance, the Senate report states that on September 8, 2017, Hunter Biden and Chinese national Gongwen Dong — with ties to the Chinese communist government — opened a bank account to fund a more than $100,000 “global spending spree” for members of the Biden family.

“Hunter Biden and Gongwen Dong, a Chinese national who has reportedly executed transactions for limited liability companies controlled by Ye Jianming, applied to a bank and opened a line of credit under the business name Hudson West III LLC (Hudson West III),” the Senate report states. The report continues:

Hunter Biden, James Biden, and James Biden’s wife, Sara Biden, were all authorized users of credit cards associated with the account. The Bidens subsequently used the credit cards they opened to purchase $101,291.46 worth of extravagant items, including airline tickets and multiple items at Apple Inc. stores, pharmacies, hotels, and restaurants. The cards were collateralized by transferring $99,000 from a Hudson West III account to a separate account, where the funds were held until the cards were closed. The transaction was identified for potential financial criminal activity. [Emphasis added]

According to the Senate report, Hunter Biden held one of the credit cards while James Biden and Sara Biden, Biden’s brother and sister-in-law, held three cards.


(Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and Senate Finance Committee)

The Senate report states that Hudson West III LLC was first incorporated on April 19, 2016, more than a year before the China-linked line of credit was opened to fund purchases made by Hunter Biden, James Biden, and Sara Biden.

Hudson West III LLC had a number of business dealings with companies and Chinese nationals linked to the Chinese communist government, the Senate report states:

On Aug. 8, 2017, CEFC Infrastructure Investment wired $5 million to the bank account for Hudson West III. These funds may have originated from a loan issued from the account of a company called Northern International Capital Holdings, a Hong Kong-based investment company identified at one time as a “substantial shareholder” in CEFC International Limited along with Ye. It is unclear whether Hunter Biden was half-owner of Hudson West III at that time. However, starting on Aug. 8, the same day the $5 million was received, and continuing through Sept. 25, 2018, Hudson West III sent frequent payments to Owasco, Hunter Biden’s firm. These payments, which were described as consulting fees, reached $4,790,375.25 in just over a year. [Emphasis added]

The Senate report also accuses Hunter Biden of paying Russian and Eastern European women who are linked to prostitution or a human trafficking ring. Another detail reveals that one of Russia’s most powerful oligarchs paid Hunter Biden’s private equity firm $3.5 million in 2014.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder